Mrs. Bieber’s 4th Grade BUNCH Weekly Newsletter

August 19th - 23rd, 2024


Hello 4th Grade Families,

It has been a wonderful first week of school!  Your students are bright and enthusiastic, and they are excited about being back at school.  We have had a busy week working on new routines, beginning new curriculum, and getting to know each other.  We are off to a great start, and I know it is going to be a great year.    


I am so glad that there are several students that have been at Valor for several years, because they have been able to point me and the new students in the right direction when we have questions.  That has been great.  Just wanted to remind you to please remember to reach out by email if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas.  I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Finally, I met with our amazing "Room Mom," Mrs. Suzy Perry, Livi Perry’s mom.  We discussed plans to do a lot of fun activities this school year, so she will reach out to you when we need assistance and donations.


Thank you! -Mrs. HeiDee Bieber


Mon. 8/19  -Parents in  Prayer from 8:00am - 8:45am.


Wed. 8/21  -R3 Chapel Service is next Wednesday.  Students are required to wear their R3 Dress Uniform that day.  We are all looking forward to chapel this week.


Fri. 9/23  -Valor Variety begins this Friday.  A variety of after school classes will be offered to our students.  Definitely, check these out for your students.