Newsletter for the Week of September 16th - 20th, 2024

Are you “All In?”


I know that I am!  We have such an incredible school and I am so excited about a simple way for us to support VCA!  It is actually so easy to give. All you have to do is CLICK on the link in this week’s Valor Voice, and “Voila!” Now, you are able to give online!  


Please support our school in their annual “All in, in Ten!  Our class is hoping for 100% participation from every family in our class, including me.  Any gift, whatever size that you can, would be greatly appreciated.  If we get 100% participation, our class will receive a DONUT Party!  Right now, we are at 63%.  That’s so exciting!  We are so close!  All In, In Ten ends on Friday, 9/20/24.

A Letter from Mrs. Bieber!


Our Classroom Community!

Another full week of learning together has gone by!  We have had a great week.  Our class continues to build classroom community by living by our school’s Christ-like values of R3:  Respect, Responsibility, and Relational.  We are guided each day to show mutual care and kindness each day.  We work to take initiative and leadership over what is our own to manage and take care of, as well as caring for what is a part of classroom and school community.  Finally, we are guided by God’s word to treat one another with actions and words that reflect the fruit of the Spirit. By living through these principles, we are learning to be God’s children who walk in wisdom and kindness.


The next few weeks will be busy ones.  We will be in the thick of working towards our first quarter goals, as well as, wrapping up some key areas in our curriculum.  Your continued support will help your student achieve their very best.  Studies continue to prove that when we work as a team, support at school and support at home, students are able to far exceeds any expectations placed on them.  My goal is to see them become independent, self-directed, and creative learners that are quality producers!  



Mrs. HeiDee Bieber

Weekly Calendar!

(9/16) Monday:

-Parent’s in Prayer (8am-8:45am)


(9/17) Tuesday:

-Valor Spirit Night at Andy’s (6pm-8pm)

-Andy’s Frozen Custard, 3670 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30005


(9/18) Wednesday: 

-It is PICTURE DAY today. It is an R3 Dress Uniform Day for picture-taking.


(9/19) Thursday:

-Chapel today!


(9/20) Friday:

-All In In Ten - Our fundraising campaign ends today.



Quizzes and Tests this Week!



-Grammar - Chapter 3 Quiz



-Math - Chapter 2 Test



-Grammar - Chapter 3 Test

-Reading Vocabulary Test

-Spelling Pre-Test 



-Bible Memory is Due

-Spelling Test

-Social Studies - Chapter 2 Test

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