Mrs. Bieber’s Bunch - September 9th - 13th, 2024

We are heading into week #5! 

At the end of this week, we will be at the mid-term point.  We have settled into a good flow and daily routine.  Even though our schedule changes from day-to-day, our class is hardworking, very bright, and eager to accomplish everything I have planned for our day.  They truly are such a happy bunch, and they make me smile all the time.  I am blessed to be their teacher!  Have a wonderful week, Mrs. Bieber


This week’s Bible Verse is:  “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Romans 10:13


This week’s spelling list for Week #5:  

Long (i): (i), (i)consonant(e), (igh), (ey), and (uy)


-icicle -title -shy -slight

-climb -umpire -tight -higher

-idea -hire -highway -might

-iron -reply -flight -eyes

-tiny -cycle -fright -buy


Next Week’s Highlights!

Monday (9/9):  

-Parents in Prayer (8am - 8:45am)

-Our Annual “All In In 10” fundraiser begins today.  

-Today’s special class is music.

Tuesday (9/10):  

-Today is Library Day!

Wednesday (9/11):  

-Reading Vocabulary Quiz today!

-It’s PE today, so don’t forget to wear tennis shoes.

Thursday (9/12):  

-Spelling Pre-Test today!

-Today is chapel and PE, so don’t forget to wear your tennis shoes.

-Parent Partner Night is this evening from 7pm - 8pm.  

Our topic is Understanding Temperaments

Friday (9/13):  

-Spelling Test today!  Bible Memory is due today!

-Our specials today are:  Technology and Art.

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