Week 4: Mrs. Bieber’s Bunch Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter - September 3rd - 7th, 2024


Hello 4th Grade Families,


Can you believe that we are already about to begin Week 4 of the 1st Quarter?  Time is moving along nicely and I am so thankful for our class.  Your students are adjusting well to being back at school and we have already set a very nice pace of working together in class.  Our schedule is very busy at school, but we continue to grow and learn more about each other every day.


Here are a few quick reminders for you.  


(1.) Please help your child remember to bring his/her water bottle to school daily.  Your child is encouraged to take their water bottle out to recess.  It is important for your child to have access to water often throughout the day.  Thank you.   


(2.) Next week we have MAP Testing in Math and Reading.  We are starting our testing first thing in the morning on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Please have your child at school promptly each morning. 


(3.) Monday is a holiday.  Happy Labor Day!  Enjoy your day off as a family!


Have a wonderful week!  Blessings, Mrs. HeiDee Bieber


Upcoming Tests, and Quizzes


Monday, September 3rd,  2024 

-Happy Labor Day!


Tuesday, September 4th, 2024 

-Welcome back to school after a 3-day weekend.


Wednesday, September 5th, 2024 

-MAP Testing begins at 8:30am today.

-Wear tennis shoes today for PE.


Thursday, September 6th, 2024 

-MAP Testing begins at 8:05am today.

-Wear tennis shoes today for PE.

-Spelling Pretest today


Friday, September 7th, 2024 

-MAP Testing begins at 8:05am today.

-Spelling Test Test #4

-Bible Memory is due today.  (Romans 5:3-4)