Mrs. Bieber's Bunch - Weekly Newsletter

A Message from Mrs. Bieber


Hello 4th Grade Families,


We have had a great 2nd week of school! I am so proud of the hard work I am seeing happening in our class each day!  We have a bright bunch of 4th graders!  They seem to really enjoy being at school and they work well with each other in class.   


Your students have enjoyed earning prizes from the “prize drawer” in our classroom  They each have a punch card with 10 numbers on it.  Every time they get their homework completed or get their planner signed, they earn themselves a “hole punched” on their card. They also can earn a hole-punch for being caught being extra kind or caring in the classroom.  This is just one fun way to celebrate students showing the R3 daily in their lives!  


On Monday, your child will bring home a red folder with completed work in it.  Some things will stay at home, while other items will come back.  Be on the look out for the red folder.  It will come home on Mondays,  about every two weeks. 


Please know that I consider it a privilege to work with your children.  I am so grateful for each student and look forward to seeing them thrive and achieve their very best this school year.



Mrs. HeiDee Bieber


Calendar Update: for this Week:

Monday, August 26th - Parents in Prayer (8am - 8:45am)

Thursday, August 29th - Today is Chapel

Quizzes and Test Schedule:
Monday:  Spelling Words will go home today!
Tuesday:  Math TEST - Chapter 1
Wednesday - History Chapter 1 TEST
Thursday - Spelling Pre-Test (Quiz)
Students who receive 100% on their Pre-Test do not have to take the final test on Friday.
Friday - Bible Memory  - Acts 5:41 - is due today! 
Students may say their verse early from T-Th.